Horn Flask w/stopper

Horn Flask w/stopper


Extensive scrimshaw detail-

around stopper: Rum and Ale, Next is Whiskey

side: No Grog, No Tea, Never Ever Water Is not fit for Drinking

bottom: Coffin and skull detail, Death To Tyrants. -surrounded by inscription: I hope that you replace the cap or contents will be in your lap

side: -at top: 1765 America, skulls & crossbones. -center: symbols of the Order of The Garter with words HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE (Shame on He Who Thinks Evil of It), ONE PENNY, and the number 42. -sides: Effects of the STAMP on one side, & O! The fatal STAMP on the other.

Flask has a turned wooden stopper with metal hardware attached for a strap.

Wild Willy Frankfort

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